Auto Repairs / Sales

Below you will find a list of local businesses providing Auto Repairs / Sales services.

Each business has a specific page where you can find details such as opening hours, services offered, contact details, etc. Click on the detailed page link for the business you are interested in.

The Business names are arranged alphabetically.

If you would like your business to appear under this category, please email


Business Name

Detailed Page Link

Corcoran Tyres & Repair Service corcoranstyres.html
Dunnes Auto Centre dunnesautocentre.html
Fagan's Auto Repairs fagansautorepairs.html
Fergus Kenny Autos ferguskennyautos.html
Irish Auto Electrical irishautoelectrical.html
Joe Plant Car Sales joeplantcarsales.html
Kieran Cogan Car Sales kierancogancarsales.html