Discussion Forum

The Discussion Forum is free to join and is available to all residents of the Baltinglass area. Registered users can post messages under various categories and any other members can reply. It is a great way to interact with other people in the community - to share ideas, ask questions, buy/sell/trade goods and services, etc.

To access the forum, please follow this link:


Before being able to post messages, you will need to join the forum. To do this, click on the register button at the top of the page as shown below, and proceed to fill out the form.

You will need to choose a username and password, as well as provide an email address.

Some of the current categories on the forum are listed below again:

General Chat - Introduce yourself, discuss any topics with other residents of the Baltinglass Area, or request new features for the website or forum

Residential Areas - there is a section for each residential area (e.g. West Demesne, Ard Glas, etc). Use this section for communicating with your neighbours - discuss items of interest to your area or even organise your summer neighbourhood barbeque! These areas can be restricted to residents of each area if desired.

For Sale/Wanted - You can post messages here to list items for sale/wanted/giveaway.

Services Offered/Wanted - You can advertise your services here, or post which service you need (e.g. need a plumber/carpenter). Others can reply to recommend a local service provider.

Local Clubs and Groups - There is a dedicated section to each local club and group. Find out what the group is about, post questions, etc.

If you have any problems registering for the forum, please email: admin@baltinglasstown.com